Recently, I have to write a BS in escript which was
originally written in VB Script. Since Siebel provides a utility to convert the
VB Script to escript but that utility has so many limitations.
Siebel provided utility does only syntactically changes in the
code which is quite helpful when you have huge lines of code to convert. But analyzing
the code is helpful because there can be things which you can do using config,
workflows or BRP.
Limitations of the utility:
Utility does not modify things for the explicit conversions
like Str, CInt, Int if used. Utility does
The differences between Siebel escript and VB Script are as
| VB Script | escript |
Dates | ·
· | We need to do scripting for conversion between Date to String Also to find the difference of the days you can use a calculated |
Function Return Values | Function name = value | Function name = return(value) |
Error Hander | Always executed | Only executed if error. eScript has finally block to destroy objects. |
True/False | Integer | Boolean |
Parameters | All by ref. | Only Complex Object by ref. |
Modulus | To get the reminder, use ‘mod’ | % |
Integer Division | Use back slash ‘\’ for integer division | For every division, use forward slash ‘/’ |
Script Structure | Function MyFunction() As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
//comments //variable declarations //Program statements are here
ErrorHandler: //ErrorHandler label and all following code is
//Object destroys from (just the) error handler
End Function | function MyFunction() { //comments //variable declarations try { //Normal code goes here } catch (e) { //Error code goes here } finally { //Object destroys go here } }
In escript for
explicit conversion, we can use functions like ToInteger(), ToString().