Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Business Service Context

Input Argument to Action Set of Runtime Event

I thought to write an article how to use the input argument while we invoke Runtime Event Action Set. We invoke Runtime Event to generally call a Business Service/Workflow.

When you specify the Business Service and its method there at Event. There is one more field called Business Service Context. This Business Service Context can be used to set the input Argument of the Business Service Method.

Let's say I want to invoke a workflow from that business service so my:

Business Service ## "Workflow Process Manager"

Method ## "Run Process"

Business Service Context ## "ProcessName", "WorkflowNameHere", "OtherProperty", "Value"

Sharing is the Power


  1. I have invoked custom BS but getting error as "required Input not supplied"

  2. Hi Danish, Which BS you are using? Is it OoB or Customized?
    Pl Check if by any chance you have selected the Required property of the input arguments which you bare not providing at Action Set.

  3. My requirement is to fetch the object Id of the record invoked from Run time event. We are calling a WF from action set. Can we pass this object id to the WF as a parameter to that WF. can we pass something like "ProcessName", "XYZ WF", "ObjectId", [Id]

    Please reply ASAP.

    Thanks in advance
